Eat According to the Changing Seasons- Autumn

Sunday, July 1, 2012
Saturday, 12th of November 2011

Autumn is a time of change when our body has to adapt to the changing temperatures of heat to colder autumn air. During this time it is important to change our diets with seasonal foods to prepare our bodies for winter, boost our immune and stay healthy.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM) it is believed that ‘food is medicine’ and ‘medicine is food’.  If we eat according to the seasons, the body will be able to transition through the changes easier because we are in harmony with the environment. This diet is based on a balance between yin and yang which are the two opposite forces of nature. If there is an imbalance, it can lead to disease and illness.  Yang foods are warm, dry, light and expansive while Yin foods are cool, dark, watery and contracting.

Certain areas of the body are more sensitive during this transition phase such as the lungs and large intestine according to TCM. Colds, respiratory issues and constipation are more common during this time of the year but it can be prevented by eating more fiber rich foods and drinking more water. Many people tend to eat more during this time of the year because of the cold weather and it’s important not to overeat as this can create poor bowel elimination which in turn can affect the skin due to toxins building up.

In autumn and winter when the weather is cooler and drier, we need to keep ourselves warm and prevent dryness. We do this by eating more root based vegetables such as potatoes, pumpkin, squash, turnips or broccoli and cabbage to name a few. Fruits which are beneficial during autumn include apples and grapes. Soups are also very nourishing as they can contain meats, vegetables and carbohydrates all in one to help warm your body.

If you eat in harmony with the environment, it can help prevent a lot of unnecessary illnesses as well boost your immune system to remain healthy throughout the winter season.


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