Importance of an Alkaline Diet

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What we eat greatly affects our body pH levels and when we are within our ideal pH level, we feel healthier. The pH level of blood is about 7.4 (range 7.35-7.45) and the closer you are to the ideal range, the healthier you’ll be with better digestive, cardiovascular and mental functioning. pH is the measurement of acidity/alkalinity of a solution on a scale of 0-14. The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution and the higher the pH, the more alkaline the solution. Your body’s ‘inner’ environment needs to be slightly alkaline and the ‘outer’ a little acidic. The outer environment refers to the outer skin and digestive tract. A healthy intestinal and bowel flora needs a slightly acidic nature to thrive. However when the pH level inside the human body is too acidic (blood, tissues, organs etc) it becomes an environment for the growth of bacteria, viruses and illness. Oxygen molecules are destroyed and tissues corrode when the pH is too acidic and this creates a breeding ground for diseases.

Health issues such as low energy, inflammation, unwanted weight gain and poor digestion can be the result of the body being too acidic. If the body’s pH is more acidic long term, it may lead to heart disease and cancer. Many medical studies have found that an imbalanced pH in the body can be correlated to almost all health conditions.

What can you do? 

Eat an alkaline diet: It is important what kinds of foods you eat and the amount of water you drink. Some foods which are acid forming include: processed foods, most meats, dairy products, alcohol, coffee etc. Try to avoid these acidic foods and instead consume more alkaline foods to help balance the pH. Alkaline foods include vegetables, nuts and seeds, green drinks etc. Ideally is it best to eat about 75% alkaline foods and 25% acidic forming foods.

Food combining:  Proper food combining reduces putrefaction and thus helps to maintain a more alkaline environment. 

Control emotions:  Stay positive. Negative emotions create a more acidic environment in the body. Practice deep breathing, meditation, yoga or anything that calms your mind to help you remain positive.


View the original article here

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